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Stop Menu Options
In the Going To screen, press Options to access options that include
adding, deleting, moving, editing, and optimising your stops.
To add another destination, choose Add Stop
from the menu. (Another way to do this would
be to simply highlight <Add a Stop> in the
Going To list and press the scroll key .)
Select Delete to delete the highlighted stop,
or Delete All to clear all stops from the list
(you will be asked to confi rm this action).
Select Actions > to access more stop options:
> Move Up/Down — Change the order of
stops on your trip by moving the highlighted
stop up or down on the list.
> Set As Waypoint — Turn the highlighted
stop into a waypoint. The purpose of
waypoints is to guide your route along roads
you prefer. See p. 24 for more on waypoints.
> Optimize Stops — Reorder stops on the
list to achieve the most effi cient route, keeping
your fi nal destination the same.
> Map — See the highlighted stop on the map.
Select Mode to switch between Guidance,
Walking, and Planning mode — see p. 28 for
a description of each mode.
Select Settings to change routing options
— see p. 25-27.
Scroll down the menu to see these other
Select Help and choose Help for on-screen
instructions about basic CoPilot features.
Choose About for CoPilot version
Choose Welcome to return to the initial
CoPilot Live welcome screen.
To close CoPilot, choose Exit.
Press Cancel at the bottom of the screen to
close the menu.