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Itinerary View
Press Options > View to get to the trip Itinerary. The Itinerary is a
scrollable set of driving directions for the current trip. Individual roads
on your Itinerary can be avoided using the Options menu in this screen
— highlight the road to avoid and select Options > Actions > Avoid
Road. To cancel this setting, select Options > Actions > Cancel
Avoid Road.
between turns
Arrows show
direction of turns
along route
Roads for
upcoming turns
Trip Editing
To make changes to your trip at any time from the guidance screens,
press Options and choose Edit Trip. This returns you to the Going To
screen where all your stops are listed. Highlight a stop, press Options
again, and select a trip editing option from the menu:
Add a Stop Add a stop after the highlighted
Delete Delete the highlighted stop.
Delete All Delete all stops on the list.
Actions > Move Up: Moves the highlighted
stop up on the list.
Move Down: Moves the highlighted
stop down.
Set As Waypoint: Turns the highlighted stop into a
waypoint (see Getting ETA’s and Distances, p. 24 for a
description of waypoints).
Optimize Stops: Reorganizes stops in the most effi cient
order, keeping the last stop the same. This action is not
Map: Zooms to the highlighted stop on the map.
Mode > Opens the Mode menu — see p. 28.
Settings The Settings menu lets you change routing, mapping, and
guidance settings — see p. 25-27.
(Scroll down to see more options)
Help > Help: Accesses CoPilot Help topics.
About: Shows CoPilot version number and copyright.
Welcome: Returns to the CoPilot Welcome screen.
Back Returns you to the guidance screen.
Exit Closes CoPilot.