The LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases COMMAND_TIMEOUT= LIBNAME Option 77
specifies that the SAS/ACCESS engine tries to return actual data values. If all of the
values in a column are numeric, then that column is defined as NUMERIC.
specifies that the SAS/ACCESS engine returns formatted data values. All of the
columns are defined as CHARACTER.
When an MDX command is issued, the resulting data set might have columns that
contain one or more types of data values — the actual value of the cell or the formatted
value of the cell.
For example, if you issue an MDX command and the resulting data set contains a
column named SALARY, the column could contain data values of two types. It could
contain numeric values, such as
50000, or it could contain formatted values, such as
$50,000. Setting the CELLPROP= option determines how the values are defined and
the value of the column.
It is possible for a column in a result set to contain both NUMERIC and
CHARACTER data values. For example, a data set might return the data values of
50000, 60000, and
UNKNOWN. SAS data sets cannot contain both types of data. In this
situation, even if you specify CELLPROP=VALUE, the SAS/ACCESS engine defines the
column as CHARACTER and returns formatted values for that column.
For more information about MDX commands, see the SAS/ACCESS documentation
for OLE DB.
Specifies the number of seconds to wait before a data source command times out
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: OLE DB
Default value:
Syntax Description
is an integer greater than or equal to 0.
The default value is 0, which means there is no time-out.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option
“COMMAND_TIMEOUT= Data Set Option” on page 168.