SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names Using DBMS Data to Create a DBMS Table 17
create view myview as
select "Amount Budgeted$", "Amount Spent$"
from connection to oracle
(select "Amount Budgeted$", "Amount Spent$"
from mytable);
proc contents data=myview;
Output from this example would show that Amount Budgeted$ remains Amount
Budgeted$ and Amount Spent$ remains Amount Spent$.
Using Name Literals
In the following example, you create a table using name literals. You must specify
the SAS option VALIDVARNAME=ANY in order to use name literals. Use PROC SQL
to print the new DBMS table because name literals work only with PROC SQL and the
only because the table is
being created with non-standard SAS column names.
options ls=64 validvarname=any nodate;
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass path=’ora8servr’
preserve_col_names=yes preserve_tab_names=yes ;
data mydblib.’Sample Table’n;
’Salary in $’n=63000;
proc sql;
title "Sample Table";
select * from mydblib.’Sample Table’n;
Output 2.6 DBMS Table to Test Column Names
Sample Table
EmpID# Lname in $
12345 Chen 63000
Using DBMS Data to Create a DBMS Table
In the following example, you use PROC SQL to create a DBMS table based on data
from other DBMS tables. You preserve the case sensitivity of the aliased column names
by using PRESERVE_COL_NAMES=YES. A partial output is displayed after the code.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass
path=’hrdata99’ schema=personnel preserve_col_names=yes;
proc sql;
create table mydblib.gtforty as