324 TABLE= Statement Appendix 2
TABLE= Statement
Names the DBMS table to be created and loaded
TABLE= <’>DBMS-specific-syntax<’>;
The TABLE statement is required. The TABLE= statement specifies the name of the
DBMS table to be created and loaded into a DBMS database. The table name must be a
valid table name for the DBMS. (See the SAS/ACCESS documentation for your DBMS
for the syntax.) If your table name contains lowercase characters, special characters, or
national characters, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
In addition, you must specify a table name that does not already exist. If a table by
that name exists, an error message is written to the SAS log, and the table specified in
this statement is not loaded.
When you create and load or append to a DBMS table, the TABLE= statement is
required. It must follow other database connection statements such as DATABASE= or
When you are submitting dynamic DBMS-specific SQL statements to the DBMS
without creating and loading a table, this statement is not used.
TYPE Statement
Changes default DBMS data types in the new table
TYPE variable-identifier-1 = ’column-type-1’ <…variable-identifier-n = ’column-type-n’>;
The TYPE statement changes the default DBMS column data types that are
associated with the corresponding SAS variables.
The variable-identifier argument can be either the SAS variable name or the
positional equivalent from the LIST statement. The positional equivalent is the number
that represents the variable’s place in the data set. For example, if you want to change
the data type of the DBMS column associated with the third SAS variable, submit the
following statement:
type 3=’char(17)’;
The argument column-type must be a valid data type for the DBMS and must be
enclosed in quotation marks.
If you omit the TYPE statement, the column data types are generated with default
DBMS data types that are based on the SAS variable formats. You can change as many
data types as you want in one TYPE statement. See the documentation for your
SAS/ACCESS interface for a complete list of the default conversion data types for the
DBLOAD procedure.