140 BL_CODEPAGE= Data Set Option Chapter 10
the section about SQL*Loader file attributes in the SQL*Loader chapter in the Oracle
user’s guide for OS/390.
To specify this option, you must first specify YES for the option “BULKLOAD= Data
Set Option” on page 165.
BL_CODEPAGE= Data Set Option
Identifies the codepage that the DBMS engine uses to convert SAS character data to the current
database codepage during a bulk load
Valid in:
DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support:
Default value:
the current window’s codepage ID.
BL_CODEPAGE= numeric-codepage-ID
Syntax Description
is a numeric value that represents a character set that is used to interpret multibyte
character data, determining character value.
The value for this option must never be 0. If you do not wish any codepage
conversions to take place, use the BL_OPTIONS= option to specify ’FORCEIN’.
Codepage conversions only occur for DB2 character data types.
To specify this option, you must first specify YES for the option “BULKLOAD= Data
Set Option” on page 165.
BL_CONTROL= Data Set Option
Identifies a file containing SQLLDR control statements that describe the data to be included in a
bulk load
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support: Oracle
Default value: creates a control file in the current directory or with the default file