192 IN= Data Set Option Chapter 10
The DBCOMMIT= option overrides the ERRLIMIT= option. If you specify a value for
DBCOMMIT= other than zero, then rollbacks affected by the ERRLIMIT= option might
not include records that are processed unsuccessfully because they were already
committed by DBCOMMIT=.
Note: This option cannot be used from a SAS client session in a SAS/SHARE
In the following example, SAS stops processing and issues a rollback to the DBMS at
the occurrence of the tenth error. The MYDBLIB libref was assigned in a prior
LIBNAME statement.
data mydblib.employee3 (errlimit=10);
set mydblib.employees;
where salary > 40000;
IN= Data Set Option
Enables you to specify the database or tablespace in which you want to create a new table
Valid in:
DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support: DB2 OS/390, DB2 UNIX/PC
Default value:
LIBNAME setting
IN=’database-name.tablespace-name’|’DATABASE database-name’
Syntax Description
specifies the names of the database and tablespace, which are separated by a period.
DATABASE database-name
specifies only the database name. In this case, you specify the word DATABASE,
then a space and the database name. Enclose the entire specification in single
quotation marks.
The IN= option is relevant only when you are creating a new table. If you omit this
option, the default is to create the table in the default database or tablespace.