The DBLOAD Procedure for Relational Databases DELETE Statement 317
The ACCDESC= statement creates an access descriptor based on the DBMS table
that you are creating and loading. If you specify ACCDESC=, the access descriptor is
automatically created after the new table is created and loaded. You must specify an
access descriptor if it does not already exist.
COMMIT= Statement
Issues a commit or saves rows after a specified number of inserts
Default: 1000
The COMMIT= statement issues a commit (that is, generates a DBMS-specific SQL
COMMIT statement) after the specified number of rows has been inserted.
Using this statement might improve performance by releasing DBMS resources each
time the specified number of rows has been inserted.
If you omit the COMMIT= statement, a commit is issued (or a group of rows is saved)
after each 1,000 rows are inserted and after the last row is inserted.
The commit-frequency argument must be a non-negative integer.
DELETE Statement
Does not load specified variables into the new table
DELETE variable-identifier-1 <…variable-identifier-n>;
The DELETE statement drops the specified SAS variables before the DBMS table is
created. The variable-identifier argument can be either the SAS variable name or the
positional equivalent from the LIST statement. The positional equivalent is the number
that represents the variable’s place in the data set. For example, if you want to drop
the third variable, submit the following statement:
delete 3;
When you drop a variable, the positional equivalents of the variables do not change.
For example, if you drop the second variable, the third variable is still referenced by the