Data Set Options for Relational Databases DBINDEX= Data Set Option 175
(starting with zero). If a name is converted to a name that already exists, a sequence
number is appended to the end of the new name.
SAS retains column names when reading data from DBMS tables, unless a column
name contains characters that SAS does not allow, such as $ or @. SAS allows
alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_).
This option is intended primarily for National Language Support, notably the
conversion of Kanji to English characters because the English characters converted
from Kanji are often those that are not allowed in SAS.
Note: The various SAS/ACCESS interfaces each handled name collisions differently
in SAS Version 6. Some interfaces appended to the end of the name; other interfaces
replaced the last character(s) in the name. Some interfaces used a single sequence
number, other interfaces used unique counters. If you specify VALIDVARNAME=V6,
name collisions are handled the same as they were in SAS Version 6.
If you specify DBGEN_NAME=SAS, a DBMS column named DEPT$AMT is renamed
to _COLn where n is the column number.
If you specify DBGEN_NAME=DBMS,a DBMS column named DEPT$AMT is
renamed to DEPT_AMT.
See Also
To assign this option to a group of relational DBMS tables or views, see the
LIBNAME option “DBGEN_NAME= LIBNAME Option” on page 87.
DBINDEX= Data Set Option
Used to detect and verify that indexes exist on a DBMS table. If they do exist and are of the
correct type, the resulting join query that is passed to the DBMS might improve performance
Valid in:
DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support: DB2 UNIX/PC, Informix, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
SYBASE, Teradata
Default value: DBMS specific
DBINDEX=YES | NO | <’>index-name<’>
Syntax Description