The LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases LOCATION= LIBNAME Option 105
Syntax Description
is an integer with a value between 0 and the number of rows in the cursor.
This option is valid only when CURSOR_TYPE=KEYSET_DRIVEN. See
“CURSOR_TYPE= LIBNAME Option” on page 82 for more information on
If KEYSET_SIZE=0, then the entire cursor is keyset driven. If a value greater than 0
is specified for KEYSET_SIZE=, then the value chosen indicates the number of rows
within the cursor that will behave as a keyset-driven cursor. When you scroll beyond
the bounds that are specified by KEYSET_SIZE=, then the cursor becomes dynamic and
new rows may be included in the cursor. This becomes the new keyset and the cursor
behaves as a keyset-driven cursor again. Whenever the value that is specified is
between 1 and the number of rows in the cursor, the cursor is considered to be a mixed
cursor because part of the cursor behaves as a keyset-driven cursor and part of the
cursor behaves as a dynamic cursor.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option
“KEYSET_SIZE= Data Set Option” on page 194.
Enables you to further qualify exactly where a table resides
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support:
DB2 OS/390
Default value:
The location name maps to the location in the SYSIBM.SYSLOCATIONS catalog in the
communication database.
In the DB2 interface, the location is converted to the first level of a three-level table
name: location.authid.table. The connection to the remote DB2 subsystem is done
implicitly by DB2’s Distributed Data Facility (DDF) when DB2 receives a three-level
table name in an SQL statement.
If you omit this option, SAS accesses the data from the local DB2 database unless
you have specified a value for the SERVER= option. This option is not validated until