92 DBMAX_TEXT= LIBNAME Option Chapter 9
Oracle Details: A link is a database object that is used to identify an object stored in a
remote database. A link contains stored path information and may also contain user
name and password information for connecting to the remote database. If you specify a
link, SAS uses the link to access remote objects. If you omit DBLINK=, SAS accesses
objects in the local database.
SYBASE Details: This option allows you to link to another database within the same
server to which you are connected. If you omit DBLINK=, SAS can only access objects
in your default database.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option “DBMASTER=
Data Set Option” on page 180.
Determines the length of a very long DBMS character data type that is read into SAS or written
from SAS when using a SAS/ACCESS engine
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: DB2 UNIX/PC, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SYBASE
Default value:
Syntax Description
is an integer between 1 and 32,767.
This option applies to reading, appending, and updating rows in an existing table. It
does not apply when you are creating a table.
Examples of a DBMS data type are the SYBASE TEXT data type or the Oracle
LONG RAW data type.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option
“DBMAX_TEXT= Data Set Option” on page 181.