
SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names Using DQUOTE=ANSI 15
you see a different listing of the Oracle tables and views referenced by the MYDBLIB
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass
Display 2.2 SAS Explorer Window Listing Case-Sensitive DBMS Objects
Notice that there are 18 members listed, including one that is in lowercase and one that
has a name separated by a blank space. Because PRESERVE_TAB_NAMES=YES, SAS
displays the tables names in the exact case in which they were created.
In the following example, you create a DBMS table with a blank space in its name.
You use double quotation marks to specify the table name, International Delays. You
also set both of the preserve names LIBNAME options by using the alias
PRESERVE_NAMES=. Because PRESERVE_NAMES=YES, the schema airport is now
case sensitive for Oracle.
options linesize=64 nodate;
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass path=’airdata’
schema=airport preserve_names=yes;
proc sql dquote=ansi;
create table mydblib."International Delays" as
select int.flight as "FLIGHT NUMBER", int.dates,
del.orig as ORIGIN,
int.dest as DESTINATION, del.delay
from mydblib.INTERNAT as int,
mydblib.DELAY as del
where int.dest=del.dest and int.dest=’LON’;
proc sql dquote=ansi outobs=10;
title "International Delays";