154 BL_DISCARDFILE= Data Set Option Chapter 10
To specify this option, you must first specify YES for the option “BULKLOAD= Data
Set Option” on page 165.
Identifies a file containing records that were filtered out of a bulk load because they did not match
the criteria specified in the CONTROL file
Valid in:
DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support:
Default value:
creates a file in the current directory or with the default file specifications
BL_DISCARDFILE= path-and-discard-filename
Syntax Description
is an SQL*Loader discard file containing rows that did not meet the specified
criteria. On most platforms, the default file name takes the form
BL_<table>_<unique-ID>.dsc, where
table is the table name
unique-ID is a number used to prevent collisions in the event of two or more
simultaneous bulk loads of a particular table. The SAS/ACCESS engine
generates the number.
SQL*Loader creates the file of discarded rows only if there are discarded rows and if
a discard file is requested. If you do not specify this option and a discard file does not
exist, a discard file is created in the current directory (or with the default file
specifications). If you do not specify this option and a discard file already exists, the
Oracle bulk loader reuses the existing file, replacing the contents with discarded rows
from the new load.
On most operating systems, the discard file has the same format as the data file, so
the discarded records can be loaded after corrections are made.
Operating Environment Information: On OS/390 operating systems, the discard file is
created with default DCB attributes. For information on how to overcome this, refer to
the section on SQL*Loader file attributes in the SQL*Loader chapter in the Oracle
user’s guide for OS/390.
To specify this option, you must first specify YES for the option “BULKLOAD= Data
Set Option” on page 165.
See Also
See “BL_BADFILE= Data Set Option” on page 139 to set the name and location of
the file that contains rejected rows.