3-260 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual April 15, 2008
Values when ProactiveCmdType=9 (Send SMS)
<Text> Text information in ASCII format.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=10 (Send SS)
<Text> Text information in ASCII format.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=12 (Setup Call)
<Parameter> 0 Set up call, but only if not currently busy on another
1 Set up call, putting all other calls (if any) on hold.
2 Set up call, disconnecting all other calls (if any).
<CalledNb> Called number in ASCII format.
<Redials> 0 Redial allowed.
1 Redial not allowed.
<Text> Text information in ASCII format.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=13 (Refresh)
<RefreshType> 0 SlM initialization and full file change notification.
1 File change notification.
2 SIM initialization and file change notification.
3 SIM initialization.
4 SIM reset.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=22 (Set Up Idle Mode Text)
<idle mode text
Text string to display when the G24-L is in idle mode.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=24 (Send DTMF)
<alpha id> Alpha ID of the DTMF string.
Values when ProactiveCmdType=26 (Launch Browser)
<URL> URL (text string of up to 100 characters).
<bearers> 0 Bearer unspecified.
1 Bearer SMS (for future use).
2 Bearer CSD.
4 Bearer USSD (for future use).
8 Bearer GPRS and all possible intersections (Currently
only 2 bearer types are supported: CSD and GPRS.
Valid bearers are: 0,2,8,10)
<proxy_Id> Text string containing name/identity of the gateway or proxy used for connecting to
the URL (max. 20 characters).
<alpha_id> Text string identifying the current connection (max. 20 characters).
Table 3-185: +MTKP Parameters of MTKP Field Description (Cont.)
<Parameter> Description