
authentication, 7-32
base CD ROM loading, 7-41
CD ROM service, 7-33
chart up-to-date status, 7-35
chart viewing date window, 7-36
C-MAP CM-93/3, 28
converage of service, 7-34
coverage of base or update CD ROM, 7-45
introduction, 7-32
messages in chart loading, 7-48
messages in loading, 7-49
messages in permit loading, 7-47
messages in SENC conversion, 7-50
permit CD ROM or floppy disk, loading, 7-
permits, 7-32
permits management, 7-37
product list, 7-32
product list up-to-date status, 7-36
public key, 7-38
security system, 7-48
subscription type, 7-33
subscription warning, 7-38
full WPT, 10-17
passage plan, 10-18
user chart, 12-20
WPT table, 10-16
Route alerts page, 11-6
Route assistant, 11-5
Route monitor page, 11-5
Route page, 7-56
Route plan menu, 10-2
Route planning
geometry check, 10-14
Route sidebar, 6-6
alerts, 11-10
alerts page, 10-6
backing up, 10-16
check page, 10-7
creating, 10-4
displaying, 11-4
ETA, 11-8
final waypoint, 11-2
monitoring, 11-7
optimization, 10-14
parameters page, 10-8
passage plan report, 10-18
prepare page, 10-8
restoring from ASCII file, 14-4
route assistant, 11-5
route plan menu, 10-2
route to monitor, 11-1
saving route as ASCII file, 14-3
speed profile, 10-15, 11-8
TO waypoint, 11-2
waypoint processing, 10-5
waypoints, adding at end of a route, 10-10
waypoints, adding at end of route, 10-10
waypoints, changing position in existing
route, 10-9
waypoints, deleting, 10-11
waypoints, distance and direction for next,
waypoints, dragging and dropping, 10-10
waypoints, full WPT report, 10-17
waypoints, importing from navigator, 10-13
waypoints, importing from other routes, 10-
waypoints, information, 11-3
waypoints, inserting, 10-11
waypoints, inserting in a route, 10-11
waypoints, processing, 10-5
waypoints, reversing sailing order of, 10-14
WPT table report, 10-16
Safety contour
chart alerts, 9-2
setting, 7-52
Safety depth, 7-52
Sailing directions, 7-61
description, 3-4
showing on radar, 3-5
incrementing direction, 1-15
usage on ECDIS display, 1-7
Seasonal features of charts
color coding of, 7-66
description, 7-62
Second-trace echoes, 2-33
SENC conversion
automatic, 7-15
cell status window to initiate conversion, 7-
display until date, 7-15
failed SENC conversion window, 7-16
history log, 7-17
manual, 7-19
progress in, 7-15
speeding up, 7-14
alerts for external sensors, 20-20
position, 15-2
speed/course, 15-1
Serial interface
input ports, 72
output ports, 73
Set and drift, 4-17
Shadow sectors, 3-3
Shallow contour, 7-52
Ship and route parameters dialog box, 15-14,
Sidebar (ECDIS), 6-4, 6-5
Sidelobe echoes, 3-3
SPD/CRS page, 15-1