
1. How to Monitor Routes
11.8 ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival)
The chart radar calculates estimated time of arrival to a waypoint. The user can choose waypoint number and speed
profile for calculation in the Monitoring page of the Monitor Route dialog box.
To WPT: Indicates approaching "TO WPT".
ETA WPT: Indicates waypoint number of special ETA waypoint and estimated time and distance to it.
Final WPT: Indicates waypoint number of final waypoint and estimated time and distance to it.
Monitored route is optimized
using "Max Speed".
Speed profile:
There are three calculation strategies:
Plan: The system calculates with optimization made in route planning.
Trial: You can enter speed to test ETAs with different speeds.
Current: The system calculates ETAs using average speed of last five minutes. Note that if Speed profile is
chosen as Current, own ship average speed (i.e., speed for calculation) the Trial speed box replaces the Average
Speed box and trial speed is shown in that box.