7. Vector Charts
SENC edt / upd: The column "SENC" contain edition/update status from "SENC", i.e., loaded and converted in the
chart radar.
Updates displ. until: "date until updates" is displayed. You can enter desired date by using the Display Until field.
The number after the date shows the number of updates for the displayed cell (number of displayed updates /
number of updates in SENC format).
Updates approv. until: View the Date Until updates is approved. You can enter desired date by using the Approve
Until field (number of approved updates / number of updates in SENC format).
The issue date of the Product List used is displayed as "Latest RENC Product List". An RENC Product List contains
information about the charts stored in RENC and the date when the Product List was issued. If the chart radar does
not contain any Product List, then the date of the Product List is displayed as "—NVLD—".
The ">>>" mark is used to indicate that a chart is not up-to-date. The "<<<" mark is used to indicate that SENC
contains newer information than the information in an RENC Product List. (You can need to load newer RENC
Product List.) Cancelled charts are indicated as "cancelled" instead of "edtn/updn". If an SENC contains a cancelled
chart, then the indication ">>>" is replaced with "XXX".
7.4.5 How to remove an S57 chart cell from the system
To remove an S57 format vector chart cell from the system, do the following:
1. Choose Remove Charts from the Chart menu.
2. Choose chart cells to remove from the system. You can remove base cell (000), updates (001…) and SENC
format (snc).
3. Click the Remove Chart button
4. Click the OK button to remove the chart chosen.
The system will remove file(s) from the hard disk.