6. ECDIS Overview
6.1 ECDIS Overview
The ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) screen is divided into several areas. The Status
bar, which is always shown at the top of the screen, mainly displays equipment status.
The boxes at the right side of the screen comprise the Information areas. They are permanently displayed and show
information such as own ship position, alerts generated by the system, and cursor position. The operator may display
the data of his or her choice in one of the information areas called a Sidebar. (See section 6.1.3 Sidebar on user
interface.) The bottom block in the information area is the Guidance area, and it shows the current left button,
scrollwheel and right functions, from left to right.
The Electronic chart area takes up 7/8 of the ECDIS display.
Electronic chart area
Mouse functions area
(Current function of left button,
scrollwheel, right button)
*DspBase: When no options are checked on Standard page.
PartStd: When some of options (not all) are checked on Standard page.
Std: When all options are checked on Standard page and no options are
checked on Other1/Other 2 pages.
Other: When all options are checked on Standard page and some options
(not all) are checked on Other1/Other2 pages.
AllOther: When all options are checked on Standard page and all options are checked
on Other1/Other2 pages.
(1) Presentation mode
(2) ECDIS mode
(3) Display scale
(4) Chart only switch
(5) Name of display settings (DspBase, PartStd, Std, All, AllOther)*
(6) Radar selection (TT/radar video source)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Operational status icon
Rotates to confirm
system is working.
Parts of the ECDIS display