5. AIS Operation
5.11 Lost AIS Targets
A target is declared a lost target when it fails to produce data for six minutes or five reporting
intervals, whichever is the shorter. When this occurs, the target is marked with the (flashing)
lost target symbol and the indication "AIS lost target" appears.
To acknowledge a lost target, push the ALARM ACK key or use the trackball to select the
ALARM ACK box then push the left button.
Time out for indication of lost active AIS target is as shown in the table below:
Vessel speed (kn) Period for time out
at anchor 18 min
0-14 60 s
14-23 36 s
> 23 12 s
Automatic removal of lost active AIS target occurs under the following conditions:
• When the user acknowledges "Lost AIS target" alert for active AIS target.
• When "Lost AIS target" state has occurred for two minutes.
Exception is moored/anchored active AIS target when time of period is 36 minutes.
Note 1: If a TT lost target mark is displayed when the ALARM ACK key is pushed (or the ALARM ACK box is
clicked) to acknowledge an AIS lost target, the TT lost target will also be erased.
Note 2: The AIS data transmission interval depends on target’s speed. For example, the data is transmitted every 10
seconds on the ship speed of 0 to 14 kn and every two seconds on the ship speed of more than 23 knots. For details,
see the owner’s manual of the AIS.
5.11.1 How to enable, disable audio alarm for lost target
1. Put the cursor on the text "Lost TGT alarm" then left-click to select desired option (OFF, FILT, ALL).
2. For FILT, you can set additional conditions for lost AIS target and TT. Put the cursor on the text "Lost TGT
alarm." then right-click to open the Lost target alarm dialog box. Set desired additional conditions for lost AIS
target in the AIS field (Max range, Min. ship speed, Exclude class B, and Min. ship length).
xx.xx xx.xx