6. ECDIS Overview
Create or update Notes
If necessary, create a new Notes or modify an existing one. For more information about Notes, see Chapter 13
6.2.1 How to set chart alert calculation
Set chart alert areas suitable for your
coming voyage. For more information,
see Chapter 9 Chart Alerts.
6.2.2 Creating or updating a route
Create a new route or modify an existing one. For further information about creating or updating a route, see
Chapter ! ! .
Checking your route against chart alerts
Before you sail your route, you should always check your route against chart alerts. This is important because your
S57 charts and manual updates may contain chart viewing dates information. You can check chart alerts from the
Check page on the Plan Route menu. You can access this menu by placing the cursor on Route in the sidebar,
clicking the Plan button to show the Plan Route menu and clicking the Check tab.
The following information is stored with the route during route plan:
• Conditions for chart alerts during route monitoring, which includes safety contour and other chart alerts.
• Name of the user chart to be used during route monitoring together with this planned route.
• Name of the Notes to be used during route monitoring together with this planned route.
Planned Notes
Alerts by leg
Legs by alert
Legs: 9 Alerts: 11