15. Navigation Sensors
15.3 Primary and Secondary Positions of Own Ship
The system has three different positions for own ship: System position, primary position and secondary position:
• System position: Used for navigation and steering. See section 15.2 Source of Position.
• Primary position: Position generated by position source chosen as primary position source.
• Secondary position: Position generated by position source chosen as secondary position source.
The position source for primary position of own ship is chosen either as Primary or as Pri no alert on the Position
page of the Sensors dialog box.
The position source for secondary position of own ship is chosen either as Secondary or as Sec no alert on the
Position page of the Sensors dialog box. Secondary position of own ship is not available as latitude/longitude value
for the user.
GPS in diff. mode
selected as
Any other than
GPS in diff. mode
selected as
of the
own ship
used by
the system
Selected and position exists
Secondary position
of own ship is
is not valid
Selected and
position exists
Not selected
or no position
Not selected
or no position
System, primary and secondary positions of the own
ship may be plotted on the chart radar display with the
Past tracks feature. You can control their visibility from
the Tracking page of the Symbol Display dialog box,
shown right. In this example, past tracks are plotted
using your ship's system position.
15.4 Position Discrepancy Alert
You can activate the alert "407 Position discrepancy"
from the Initial Settings dialog box. The alert is active
between primary position and any secondary positions.
Note that the alert is also effective between own ship
position and any positions, since chart radar compass
position discrepancy between position used by system
(own ship position) and any individual position sensor
selected as primary or secondary source of position. To
deactivate the alert set limit as 0.00.