10. How to Plan Routes
10.3.4 How to use the Parameters page
The Parameters page allows you to set departure time and arrival time for your route. Also optimisation type is
chosen in this page.
Enable changes:
Check in order to enable editing.
Note: A route may only be modified when using the north-up or course-up mode.
Enter note concerning the route.
Planned estimated time of departure from a specified waypoint.
First part is planned estimated time of arrival to last waypoint. ETA can be calculated
between two specified waypoints.
Second part is calculated ETA that may differ from planned ETA if it is impossible for them
to agree with chosen optimization method. Also total length of the route is displayed.
Safety margin
Define extension for channel to be checked against selected alerts.
Speed limit:
Set speed limit for a route.
Budget for this voyage. ( Income * 1000$)
Optimize types are max. speed, timetable, max profit and min. cost. (Description is provided
in section 10.5.1 "Available route optimization strategies".
How to optimize your route
After all waypoints are inserted and you have made safe water calculation, you can optimize your route. If not
chosen, then optimisation will be done automatically with max. speed. If you want do optimization with specific
strategy, see section 10.4.1 Parameters.
10.3.5 How to use the Prepare page
The Prepare page allows you to prepare for exchange of planned route with monitored route. Use this page if you
are going to use the exchange function to choose planned route as monitored route. If you do not use this page to
define To WPT and Final WPT for steering in the plan mode, chart radar will choose the most suitable To WPT
based on own ship position and Final WPT based on waypoint selected on the Parameters page.