38 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
7. Select Path → Save to DB. A confirmation box appears.
8. In the Update configuration now? confirmation box, click Yes.
9. Proceed to “Update Access Port Definition(s)”.
Update Access Port Definition(s)
Once you have updated the path definition(s), you need to update the definition for each access
port associated with the workstation.
To update the access port definition, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Desktop, select Admin → Access Port Definition.
2. Click the Update Device button.
3. In the Do you want to start Update Devices? dialog box, click Yes.
4. Click Next. The Update Connection Devices dialog box appears.
5. In the Other Devices field, type the current hostname.
6. Click the Add button. The current hostname is now listed in the Access Ports list box.
7. Click the Install button. The Installation window appears.
8. In the Update Complete confirmation box, click OK.
9. In the Update Connection Devices window, click Exit. The current hostname is now
listed in the Connection Devices list box.
10. In the Access Ports list box, select the appropriate access port; for example, 25001.
11. In the Connection Devices list box, select the previous hostname to remove the check
12. In the Connection Devices list box, select the current hostname. A check mark appears
next to the current hostname.
13. If you have more than one access port to update, click Apply and repeat Step 10 through
Step 12.
14. Click OK.
What Next?
Once you have completed the tasks in this document, your COMMAND/POST 4.1 upgrade is
complete and your product is fully operational. Continue with customizing
COMMAND/POST (see the COMMAND/POST Customizer’s Guide) and/or installing your
COMMAND/POST product options (see the documentation for each product option; a list can
be found in Chapter 7 of the COMMAND/POST Installation Guide for HP-UX Systems).