36 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
Completing the Upgrade Process after COMMAND/POST Is
After COMMAND/POST 4.1 is installed, complete the upgrade process:
a. Log on to the rmdhost as root.
b. Change to the /usr/nc/install directory.
c. Issue the following command:
d. Select option s to start COMMAND/POST.
2. Update all COMMAND/POST users with the new six-character Sybase password or
notify current users that their Sybase password is the same with additional lowercase x’s
defined until six characters are reached.
For example, a previous Sybase password of art would have been converted by the
postinstallation script automatically to be artxxx. Users of COMMAND/POST and any
COMMAND/POST product option, including PhonePoint or COMMAND/POST
Explorer, need to be notified of their new Sybase password.
3. Test all filters to ensure that they were regenerated correctly by the postinstallation script.
4. Notify anyone who builds COMMAND/POST reports or uses cron jobs to update and
generate COMMAND/POST reports on a systematic basis that reports are no longer
supported in COMMAND/POST 4.1.
The Data Workbench (DWB) binaries supporting the report generation function were
removed because Sybase, Inc., no longer supports DWB. See the COMMAND/POST
Customizer’s Guide for information about creating data for COMMAND/POST reports
and generating reports.
5. If you are upgrading to new hardware, proceed to “Upgrading to New Hardware” on 37;
otherwise, proceed to “What Next?” on page 38.
# ./installCP
Issue this command only once. If you issue this command more than once, you will
experience system problems.
If any filter engine was created by COMMAND/POST 3.2.1 or earlier, you were
instructed to save these filters as text files during preinstallation processing. At this time,
you need to log on to the COMMAND/POST Desktop and use Customization → ALFE
to import these text files and generate them as filter engines that function within
COMMAND/POST 4.1. For more information about using ALFE, see the
COMMAND/POST Customizer’s Guide.