Running the Preinstallation Script 17
Backing Up Additional COMMAND/POST Configuration Directories
To back up additional COMMAND/POST configuration directories:
1. At the appropriate prompt displayed in Step 2 on page 16, perform one of the following
– If you have no additional directories to back up or have additional directories that are
already backed up, type n and press Return.
– If you responded 1 to Step 2 on page 16 (indicating that you want to back up the
/etc, /home/u/NetCmmnd, /usr/nc, /usr/sybase, and
/var/spool/NetCmmnd directories), the following prompt is displayed:
If the dump device is a tape drive, at the prompt:
The preinstall script will calculate the amount of space needed to back up all specified
directories. It then compares it with the tape size or the available space on the file
system. The backup will proceed if there is sufficient space.
– If you responded 2 to Step 2 on page 16 (indicating that you do not want to back up
the /etc, /home/u/NetCmmnd, /usr/nc, /usr/sybase, and
/var/spool/NetCmmnd directories), the following prompt is displayed:
If you receive this prompt, proceed to “Upgrading Your System and Installing
COMMAND/POST 4.1” on page 21.
– If you have not backed up the additional directories:
1) Type y and press Return. The following prompt is displayed:
Please enter the backup device for your system:
If device is a disk file create the file first before continuing.
Enter backup device:
Please enter the tape device size in MB:
Looks like I’m all done!
Please check the standard output and /tmp/Pre41install.log for
details and any error messages prior to installing COMMAND/POST 4.1
Additional directory:
If you selected option 2, you must back up the /home/u/NetCmmnd directory manually
before upgrading the operating system.