
Customizing the Postinstallation Script 23
Customizing the Postinstallation Script
Before you consider altering the default processing of the postinstallation script, you must have
a solid understanding of Sybase concepts and internals. Without this knowledge, you could
corrupt the processing of the postinstallation script, which would corrupt the migration of your
COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 configuration and data to COMMAND/POST 4.1.
There are only two reasons to customize how the postinstallation script will run:
You do not want to reinstall everything that was backed up during the preinstallation
The postinstallation script fails during processing and you need to restart it, but you do not
want to reprocess everything that already successfully processed (see “Responding to a
Postinstallation Script Failure” on page 35 for more information).
Customizing the postinstallation script can involve editing from one to three files, depending
on the type of customization you want to perform. By removing items in these files, you can
control what does and does not get reinstalled during postinstallation processing, or you can
remove items that completed processing successfully before a failure of the postinstallation
process so they do not get reprocessed.
The upgrade files are located in /home/u/NetCmmnd/upgrade/SQL. The files you can edit
are as follows:
Filename Description
Contains type definitions for Sybase for common types.
Each line in this file contains one definition. By removing a line, you can remove
the type definition from postinstallation processing and the definition will not be
restored in your COMMAND/POST 4.1 system.
This file is executed first during postinstallation processing.
To understand type definitions and the contents of each line, refer to your Sybase
Contains the names of tables in the Sybase system that are not directly associated
with the COMMAND/POST system, but may be associated with
COMMAND/POST Explorer, command MVS, COMMAND/POST connect HP
OpenView NNM, other COMMAND/POST product options, or other applications.
The names appear in a list, one name on each line. By removing a line with a name
on it, you can remove the table from postinstallation processing and the table will
not be restored in your COMMAND/POST 4.1 system.
This file is executed second during postinstallation processing.
To understand table names, refer to your Sybase documentation.