Running the Preinstallation Script 11
To ensure that there is enough space on either your disk file or your tape device:
• If you are backing up to a tape drive, ensure that the tape in your tape drive has at least
60% more capacity than the total size of the files you are archiving.
• If you are backing up to a disk file, ensure that the amount of available space is at least
60% greater than the size of the files you are archiving.
If you are planning to migrate filter engines created in COMMAND/POST 3.2.1 or earlier, you
must save them as text files and import and regenerate them at a later time.
Ensure that you have completed the Upgrade Planning Form on page 7. You need to reference
information from this form while running the preinstallation script.
Moving the Filter Files to a Single Directory
You must move or copy all COMMAND/POST filter files to the /home/u/NetCmmnd
directory before you run the preinstallation script so they will be generated automatically when
you run the postinstallation script. By default, COMMAND/POST keeps filter files in the
/home/u/NetCmmnd directory, but you may have defined a different directory for one or more
filter files.
To move the filter files to a single directory:
1. Log on to the rmdhost as root.
Note: The root password for this workstation is listed on the Upgrade Planning Form on
page 7.
2. Find any filter files installed on the workstation by searching for files with a .fltr
3. Copy the filter files to the /home/u/NetCmmnd directory using the cp -p option.
If, for some reason, you cannot move or copy all of the filter files to the
/home/u/NetCmmnd directory, and you choose to select a different directory, write the
name of that directory on the Upgrade Planning Form on page 7.
4. Proceed to “Accessing the Preinstallation Script” on page 12.