Upgrading Your System and Installing COMMAND/POST 4.1 21
Upgrading Your System and Installing COMMAND/POST 4.1
The configurations of your workstation hard disks and the HP-UX operating system are critical
to installing COMMAND/POST 4.1. The tasks in this section should be planned and executed
Some of the system requirements for running COMMAND/POST 4.1 are different from the
requirements for running COMMAND/POST 3.2.3. This section provides instructions for
addressing those differences at the appropriate time in the upgrade process.
In addition, if your COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 system is distributed across multiple
workstations, you must replicate the distribution of the COMMAND/POST servers in your
COMMAND/POST 4.1 system for the upgrade process to complete successfully.
For example, if the database and file server are installed on to one workstation in your
COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 system, you need to configure your COMMAND/POST 4.1 system
initially with the database and file server installed on to one workstation. Conversely, if the
database and file server are installed on to different workstations in your COMMAND/POST
3.2.3 system, you need to configure your COMMAND/POST 4.1 system initially with the
database and file server installed on to different workstations.
If you have a distributed COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 system and you upgrade to new hardware,
BMC Software recommends that you install COMMAND/POST 4.1 on a single workstation.
Once you have completed the entire upgrade process, you can distribute the daemon services
in any manner you choose by following the instructions in the COMMAND/POST Installation
Guide for HP-UX Systems. For more information, see “Upgrading to New Hardware” on page
37 of this book.
Note: If you plan to run your COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 and 4.1 systems in parallel, BMC
Software recommends that you install COMMAND/POST 4.1 on to a single
workstation that is separate from your production COMMAND/POST 3.2.3 system.
In this way, you can test a subset of your most critical alert processes, filters, and
paths before moving COMMAND/POST 4.1 into your production environment.
To upgrade the COMMAND/POST 3.2 system to the COMMAND/POST 4.1 system:
1. Review the hardware prerequisites for your COMMAND/POST workstations.
For system requirements information, see Chapter 1 of the COMMAND/POST Installation
Guide for HP-UX Systems.
COMMAND/POST 4.1 on HP-UX requires that a minimum of 3GB of disk drive space be
available on the COMMAND/POST file server and database servers. Desktop workstation
and daemon servers require 2GB of hard disk space.
2. For distributed COMMAND/POST systems, you must retain the current distribution of
your COMMAND/POST servers and daemon services across multiple workstations in
support of postinstallation processing.
If you want to redistribute servers and services after all upgrade tasks are complete, you
can use the installation program. For more information, see Chapter 2 of the
COMMAND/POST Installation Guide for HP-UX Systems.
3. Plan the size of each logical volume on the hard disk(s) of each COMMAND/POST
workstation, especially for the file server and database server workstation(s).