Changing the order of waypoints
Waypoints are automatically added in an optimized order but you can still change the order man-
ually if you need to. To change the order of waypoints, do the following:
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main menu.
2. Tap Change route.
3. Tap Travel via.
You see a list of your waypoints.
4. Tap the waypoint you want to move up or down.
You see a screen with the name of your waypoint at the top.
5. Tap Move up or Move down.
Your waypoint changes its position in the list and you are immediately returned to your list of
Tip: You cannot move an unvisited waypoint into a list of already visited waypoints.
Deleting a waypoint
To delete a waypoint, do the following:
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Tap Change route.
3. Tap Travel via.
You see a list of your waypoints.
4. Tap the waypoint you want to delete.
You see a screen with the name of your waypoint at the top.
5. Tap Delete.
Your waypoint is deleted and you are immediately returned to your list of waypoints.
Changing notification settings for a waypoint
If a waypoint has notification switched on, you see an icon next to it in your list of waypoints. To
switch notification on or off for a waypoint, do the following:
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main menu.
2. Tap Change route.
3. Tap Travel via.
You see a list of your waypoints.
4. Tap the waypoint that you want to change the notification setting for.
You see a screen with the name of your waypoint at the top.
5. Tap Switch on/off notification.