User’s manual NAVIGON 81xx
- 62 - Pictures
9.1 Suitable files
The picture viewer can show JPG files, PNG files and GIF files (no
animated GIF files).
9.2 Opening the picture viewer
You can open the picture viewer only from the START window.
► Tap on Pictures.
9.3 Selecting an image file
► In the PICTURES window, tap on Folder.
The C
URRENT FOLDER opens. The name of the current folder is
indicated at the top. Files and sub-folders are listed underneath. They
are identified as follows:
Picture File
: Only those files are listed which can be shown by the
picture viewer. (Refer to "Suitable files" on page 59)
Folder: Sub-folders of the current folder are displayed.
► Tap on a sub-folder in order to open it.
Note: If the sub-folder contains no suitable image files or sub-folders, it
cannot be opened.
► Tap on (Up one level) in order to open the next higher folder.
► Tap on an image file in order to show it.
► Tap on Cancel in order to close the CURRENT FOLDER window
without selecting a file.
9.4 Operating the picture viewer
Information area
The current image file and its file name are displayed in the information
area in the P
ICTURES window.
Full Screen: Shows the current picture as large as possible.
Next: Loads the next picture in the current folder.
Previous: Loads the previous picture in the current folder.