User’s manual NAVIGON 81xx
Navigation - 27 -
Note: The Voice Command function is not available for every
language. In the languages for which this function is not available, the
Voice Command
button is replaced by the Show Map button.
6.2.4 Points of interest
Points of interest, also called POI (Points Of Interest) for short, are
useful addresses that are catalogued according to particular criteria.
Special destinations include ports, airports, restaurants, hotels, petrol
stations, public buildings, doctor's surgeries, hospitals, shopping
centres, etc.
POI can be represented on the map by symbols. Tap in the N
window on Options
> Settings > POI in order to select the categories
you want to appear on the map.
POI nearby
POI nearby are special destinations located within a certain radius of
your current location. This means you can always find the nearest petrol
station for example, no matter where you are.
Note: GPS reception must be good enough for determining your
position. Check the
(GPS Ready) icon to see whether GPS
reception is good enough.
For details refer to chapter "Initialising the GPS receiver" on page 23.
Note: The Direct Access section offers 3 categories of POI from the
current vicinity which can be searched for quickly and without additional
For details refer to chapter "Direct access to POI" on page 29.
1. Tap in the NAVIGATION window on New Destination > Search for
POI > Nearby.
NEARBY window opens.
2. Select a category from which you would like to find a POI.
If sub-categories exist for the category you have selected, the Sub
Category list opens.
3. Select the sub-category from which you would like to select a POI.
The Name of the Destination
list opens. It contains the nearest POI
in the specified category, sorted by distance.
4. Tap on the name of the destination.
5. Tap on Start Navigation
Sometimes the destination cannot be found exactly because, for
example, several restaurants with the same name exist.