User’s manual NAVIGON 81xx
- 56 - Handsfree Module
7.5.2 Handsfree Settings
In the HANDSFREE SETTINGS window you can configure the settings for
the phone functions of the hands-free module of your NAVIGON 81xx.
► In the HANDSFREE MODULE window, tap on Settings > Handsfree
The H
Volume of the Phone Call
: The volume of the call can be adjusted
independently of the volume of the navigation application and the MP3
Volume of the Ring Tone
: The volume of the ring tone can be adjusted
independently of the volume of the navigation application and the MP3
7.5.3 Bluetooth Function
► In the HANDSFREE MODULE window, tap on Settings > Bluetooth
The B
Bluetooth Function
: Select whether you want to activate the Bluetooth function
or No).
The hands-free module cannot connect to a mobile phone if the
Bluetooth function is deactivated.
Discoverable by Others
: Select whether other Bluetooth-capable devices (in
particular mobile phones) should be able to detect the NAVIGON 81xx
or No).
Others May Connect
: Select whether other devices should be able to initiate a
connection (Yes
or No).
Reconnect automatically
: Select whether the connection to the last connected
phone is to be restored automatically (Yes
or No).
Example: The connection is interrupted as soon as you leave the
vehicle. It can be restored as soon as you approach the vehicle again.
Note: The settings Discoverable by Others
, Others May Connect and
Reconnect automatically
are effective only when the Bluetooth function
is activated.
Note: A Bluetooth connection can be established from the mobile
phone only when the settings Bluetooth Function
, Discoverable by
Others and Reconnect automatically were all selected with Yes.