Basic Operations
Viewing device status
28 NAVIGON 2100 max | 2120 max User’s Guide December 2008
NAVIGON, INC. Version 2.1
Traffic Information (TMC)
The NAVIGON 2100 max | 2120 max, with a car charger cable with integrated TMC
antenna, provides the navigation system with up to date traffic messages. If neces-
sary, it can alter the route dynamically in order to avoid a traffic jam.
The TMC symbol can display the following TMC reception status:
No Symbol TMC is not operational.
Tuning TMC is operational, but cannot find a station that is
transmitting TMC signals.
Reception Traffic messages are no longer being received, but there
are still traffic messages in the queue that have not
TMC Ready Traffic messages can be received.
Note: This function is only available if TMC traffic messages are being transmitted in
the map area in which you are traveling. Traffic messages are not available in all areas.
Note: The charger cable does not need to be connected to the
vehicle's cigarette
for the antenna to be operational.
Note: Without the antenna, TMC messages may not be received when the device is
operating on battery power only.
For more information, see “Displaying traffic messages” on page 105.