National Instruments 372139B-01 Automobile User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation 6-1 Automotive Diagnostic Command Set User Manual
Automotive Diagnostic
Command Set API for C
This chapter lists the Automotive Diagnostic Command Set API functions and describes their
format, purpose, and parameters. Unless otherwise stated, each Automotive Diagnostic
Command Set function suspends execution of the calling thread until it completes. The
functions are listed alphabetically in four categories: general functions, KWP2000 services,
UDS (DiagOnCAN) services, and OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) services.
Section Headings
The following are section headings found in the Automotive Diagnostic Command Set for C
Each function description includes a brief statement of the function purpose.
The format section describes the function format for the C programming language.
Input and Output
The input and output sections list the function parameters.
The description section gives details about the function purpose and effect.