
section. Enter the desired address number, and press
ENT. The Find
Address menu will appear again, with the information you entered in
the Address field.
3. To enter a street name, select the label
STREET and press ENT and
the cursor will enter the text field. Enter the desired street name, and
When you're entering a street name, leave off any additional identi-
fiers such as "Dr." or "Ave." (for drive or avenue) as well as ordinals
on numbered streets. In other words, for "3rd Ave." you would sim-
ply enter "3" and then press
A list of possible matches will appear. Use the arrow keys to select the
right street name and press
ENT. The Find Address menu will appear
again, with the information you entered in the Street field.
Find Address menu, shown left with all fields empty, and shown right
with Address and Street Name entry complete.
4. To enter a city name, select the label CITY and press ENT. You will
be asked if you want to find addresses only within a particular city. This
option is designed so you can limit an address search to a single city if
necessary (see the note below). If you choose
YES, the cursor will enter
the text field as described earlier in this section. Enter the desired city
name, and press
ENT. The Find Address menu will appear again, with
the information you entered in the City field.
We recommend that you do not enter a city name unless the list you
are given is too large when you try searching without it. The iWAY
can actually search quicker without a city and you save time by not
entering a city name.
5. Choose
FIND ADDRESS. A dialog will pop up letting you know it's working
while the iWAY searches for the address, and then a list of possible