Choose the waypoint you're interested in by selecting it from the list
and pressing
ENT. The Waypoint Information Screen will appear, al-
lowing you to
GO TO the waypoint, FIND ON MAP, EDIT its name and icon, or
DELETE it. Use the left or right arrows to choose any of these options,
and press
ENT to continue.
Find Fuel, Lodging, Restaurants, and other POIs
All of the options available under Map Place work essentially the same.
We'll use the
POI - FUEL command as an example, but you can follow es-
sentially the same steps to locate and plot a course to any Point of In-
terest stored in our database.
To find a nearby gas station:
1. Press Find to open the Find Menu.
2. Choose
POI - FUEL. A pop-up window will ask you whether you want to
search by Name or by Nearest.
Find POI command, the iWAY asks to find By Name or By Nearest.
3. Searching by Name allows you to find the closest Mobil, or the closest
Texaco, if you have a preference. It's often used in Restaurant search-
ing. For our example, though, we'll assume we're running low on gas
and need the first gas station available. Choose
NEAREST from the Find
By menu to proceed.
4. A "Calculating" screen will appear briefly, and then the iWAY will show
you a list of the nearest gas stations in its database. Wait a moment for it
to finish filling up the list, and then you can choose the one you want.
Navigating to the Selected POI
Now that you have a list of nearest POIs, choose the one that suits you
best, and press
ENT. The iWAY will then show you a Waypoint Information
Screen (as discussed in Sec. 2) with details about the POI you've chosen.