Compaq AA-RH99A-TE Remote Starter User Manual

Hostname :
cpu: AlphaServer 4100 5/400 avail: 1
Boot-time: Tues Jul 7 10:33:25 1998
Time: Mon Jul 13 13:58:52 1998
Kernel : OSF1 release V5.0 version 688.2 (alpha)
Swap device name Size In Use Free
----------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
/dev/rz0b 131072k 10560k 120512k Dumpdev
16384p 1320p 15064p
----------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total swap partitions: 1 131072k 10560k 120512k
16384p 1320p 15064p
=========== === ==== ==== === ==== ======== ======== ===== =====
v0x95aaf6a0 489 340 489 0 0 00000000 00000000 NULL in pagv ctty
v0x95aad5d0 342 337 342 0 0 00000000 00000000 NULL in pagv ctty
v0x95aad8f0 341 337 341 0 0 00000000 00000000 NULL in pagv
v0x95aad2b0 1 0 1 0 0 00000000 00000000 NULL in omask pagv
v0x95aad120 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 00000000 NULL in sys
Audit subsystem not installed
1 The first several lines of output display the contents of system variables
that give statistics about the crash, such as:
The kernel image file and crash core file from which crashdc
collected data.
The operating system version.
The time of the crash and the time at which the system was rebooted.
Whether data is from a partial or full dump. (Data is from a partial
dump when the value of the partial_dump variable is 1. Data is
from a full dump when the value of this variable is 0.)
The platform on which the operating system is running; an
AlphaServer 4100 in this case.
The amount of physical memory available on the system.
2 The _panic_string label marks the message that indicates why the
crash occurred. In this case the message is kernel memory fault,
indicating that a memory operation failed in the kernel.
3 The preserved message buffer contains status and other information
about the devices connected to the system: Notice the following message:
Output from the crashdc Command A–5