Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Offset0.0 V
(At waveformground reference)
Offset+300 mV
(Near waveformtop level)
Verticalwindow =1 Vpeak-to-peak (fixed bysampling moduleused)
Acquisition windowshifts
positive tocapture overshoot
Acquisition windowshifts
negative tocapture preshoot
Offset --300 mV
Figure 3- 3: Varying offset positions vertical acquisition window on waveform
NOTE. Measurements use the entire portion of the waveform that the vertical
window captures, not only the portion displayed on screen. Also, waveforms
exported or saved (from the File menu or over the GPIB) contain data from the
entire vertical window, not just the on-screen portion.
Horizontal Acquisition Window Considerations.You define the horizontal
acquisition window, that is, you set several parameters that determine the
segment of an incoming signal that becomes the waveform record when
acquired. (For background, please read Waveform Record on page 3--28.) These
common parameters specify a common horizontal acquisition window that is