Appendix A: Specifications
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table A- 7: Ports
Specifications Characteristics
Video outputs Two 15-pin D-subminiature connectors on the rear
panel. Useable to connect ext ernal monitors t hat
provide a duplicate of the primary display and/or a
second monitor on which to view ot her applic ations.
Support at least the basic requirements of the PC99 specification.
Parallel port
(IEEE 1284)
25-pin D-subm inature connector on the rear panel. Supports the
following modes:
Standard mode, output only
Bi-directi onal, PS/2 compatible
Bi-directi onal Enhanced Parall el P ort (IEEE 1284 standard, Mode 1
or Mode 2, v1. 7
Bi-directional high speed Extended Capabilities Port (ECP)
Serial port 9-pin D-subminature serial-port connector using NS16C550 compatible
UARTs supporting transfer speeds up to 115.2 kbits/sec.
PS/2 Keyboard and
Mouse Interface
PS/2 compatible keyboard and mouse connect ors.
LAN interface RJ-45 LAN connector supporting 10 base-T and 100 base-T
External audio con-
External audio jacks for MIC IN and LINE OUT
USB interface One USB connector (the second USB is disabled because of internal
GPIB interf ace Complies with I EEE 488.2
Gated Trigger Input --
Logic Polarit y
(Option GT equipped
instruments onl y)
A TTL logic 1 enables triggers to be accepted
A TTL logic 0 disables all triggering
A pull-up resistor is present to hold the input high (enable triggers)
when no control si gnal is present.
Gated Trigger Input --
Maximum N on-de-
struct Input Level s
(Option GT equipped
instruments onl y)
±5V maximum