Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
To assign a waveform to one of the four waveform databases of the instrument,
use the procedure that follows:
Overview To set up a waveform database Related control elements & resources
Prerequisites 1. Theinstrument musthavea waveformdisplayedtoenable
the waveform database controls.
See page 3--62 for information on di splaying
Open the Wfm
Database Setup
dialog box
2. Open the Waveform Database dialog box by selecting
Wfm Database in the Setup menu.
Select the source
3. Use the Sourcepulldown list to select a waveform source
for the wavef orm database. By default, the first available
waveform is used as the waveform source unless you
select a different source.
4. Check On to begin accumulating into the waveform
5. Check Display to turn on the display of the waveform
selected as the source f or the database.
6. Clickthe ClearData button to clear the data accumulated
in the selected database. If the database is turned on, the
data is cleared and dat a accumulation starts over.
NOTE. An alternative method of turning on a waveform
database for the sel ected wavef orm is by cli cking the
waveform database button in the toolbar. See right.
See Figures 3--29 and 3--30 on next page to see what
both normal and waveform database waveform data
look lik e on the graticule.
End of Procedure
To Set Up a Waveform