Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements & resourcesTo save a waveform (cont.)
Add a comment
7. For saves to files or to references, you can enter a
useful comment about the each waveform you save.
Write each comment such t hat it explains the purpose of
the saved waveform when it s wavef orm file is l ater
accessed (see right).
Tip. If you save mult iple waveforms, the instrument
saves your comment with all the resulting files, so make
such a comment pert ain to all the wavef orms.
Save your
8. Click the Save button to save the waveform file or
reference. To cancel without saving, click Cancel button.
For more
9. For m ore help on saving waveform s, press the Help
button in the dialog box to access the contextual
online help.
See page 3--167 to learn about using online help.
End of Procedure