Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Avoiding Setup and Waveform Mismatches. Saved setups may contain settings
inappropriate for waveforms currently in your instrument. For example, you
might have saved a setup that displayed a fiber channel mask, such as FC531, for
testing channel 1. If later you display a gigabit ethernet signal in channel 1 and
recall your saved setup, the FC531 mask will display.
Avoiding Setup and Sampling Module Mismatches. Recall of a setup assumes that
the sampling module appropriate to the recalled setup is installed. F or example,
recalling a setup that saved optical vertical-control settings requires that an
optical sampling module be installed. If not, the instrument substitutes default
settings for the affected vertical controls settings instead of recalled settings.
Other examples of such mismatches include:
H Recalling a setup that includes TDR without the TDR-capable sampling
module installed. You must have the TDR-capable module installed in the
same compartment it was in when the setup was saved.
H Recalling a setup that includes a clock-recovery setup without the appropri-
ate clock-recovery-capable sampling module installed. You must have the
clock recovery-capable module installed in the same compartment as when
the setup was saved.
Use the procedure that follows to save a setup to the instrument hard disk, a
floppy disk, or third-party storage device.
To Save Your Setup