Incoming Inspection
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
2. Select a diagnostics suite:
a. In the dialog box, click the Subsystem Level tab.
b. Select the all the entries by clicking the first entry Control Proc and
dragging down to select the rest. All entries should be highlighted as
shown above.
c. In the Run box, leave Loop and Halt on Failure unchecked.
3. Verify that the diagnostic suite passes:
a. Click the Run button to execute the diagnostics.
b. The diagnostics may take several minutes to complete. Verify that Pass
appears as Status in the dialog box when the diagnostics complete.
c. If instead an error number appears as Status, rerun the diagnostics. If
Fail status continues after rerunning diagnostics and you have allowed
warm up to occur, the module or main instrument may need service.
4. Close the diagnostic dialog box.
End of Procedure