Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
view is a representation of a signal on an associated time base—the Main time
base with the Main view, which is always displayed, or one of the two Mag
views, each with its own time base and graticule. The display of the Mag views
can be turned on or off. You can display up to three views on screen (Main plus
Mag1 and Mag2) at the same time.
Touchscreen (not shown): a feature that lets you touch controls on screen to
operate the instrument. See Mouse and Touchscreen Operation on page 3--60.
Use display features and controls to view, test, measure, and otherwise analyze
your waveforms.
This instrument provides a robust display. S ome features of note follow.
Flexible Display Control. Front-panel knobs and buttons support quick access to
the most often used adjustments—those that display, position, and scale
waveforms. Mouse, keyboard, and touchscreen interfaces support complete setup
of all the display parameters.
Multiple Time base Views. Three views, Main, plus Mag1 and Mag2, can be
displayed simultaneously, each with its own time base. Live waveforms are
acquired independently in each time base (C1 in Main is a different waveform
than C1 in Mag1 or Mag2).
All the displayed waveforms appear in each view that you display: if C1 and M1
are displayed in Main, they also appear in Mag1 and Mag2 if you display those
views. Reference waveforms will appear in all views as well, but, since they
have a static time base setting (the time base setting with which they were
saved), they w ill be identical in all views.
Fast Access to Zoom. Waveform inspection has never been easier. Just click and
drag a box around the feature of interest and it zooms horizontally to fill the
screen, reacquired at a higher resolution.
Preview Mode. The instrument automatically uses a preview display when control
changes initiate reacquisition of waveform data. A preview display shows how
the waveforms will look when acquisition completes. When the instrument
finishes the processing of state changes, it removes the preview and displays the
actual waveforms.
Previewing of changes does not occur when the acquisition system is stopped;
the data will not update on screen until acquisition is restarted.
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