Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements and resourcesTo autoset (cont.)
Define 4. Click Define Autoset in the Utilities menu to display
the Autoset properties dialog box. To change the autoset
criteria, sel ect from:
H Edge to setup the def ault autoset for instrument to
acquire the waveform data such that the center
20% of the record contains a rising edge.
H Period to set up the def ault autoset for instrument
to acquire the wavef orm data such that t he record
contains 2 or 3 periods.
H NRZ Eye to setup the def ault autoset for instru-
ment to acquire the waveform data as follows:
H one bit (t wo eye crossings) is dis played over
about 7.5 horizontal divisions, centered on the
H the high/low values are displayed over about 6
vertical divisions, also centered on screen.
H RZ Eye Pattern to setup the default autoset for
instrument to acqui re the waveform data as foll ows:
H three ri se/fall edges are displayed over the
center 6 horizont al divisions, wi th t he first
rising edge placed near the 20% horizontal
location (second division).
H amplitude (the high/low values) is displayed
over the center 5 vertical divisions.
Click OK to set Autoset to use the current criteria. To
execute, push the Autoset button.
For More
5. For m ore information on t he controls described in thi s
procedure, push/ click the HELP button in any dialog
box or select Help Contents and Index in the Help
End of Procedure