Attach the stainless brake line
Step 8Step 8
Step 8Step 8
Step 8
Torque to
ximately 14 lb-ft ximately 14 lb-ft
ximately 14 lb-ft ximately 14 lb-ft
ximately 14 lb-ft using a 14mm wrench.
Copper Crush Washers
Banjo Bolt
3541 Unit A, Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 325-4799 19
Remove the rubber cap from the hard line and screw
the fitting into the new brake line by hand for a few
turns before tightening with a 10mm flare wrench.
Be sure the flats on the line fitting line up in the chas-
sis bracket to assure proper fit and retention.
Re-install the stock retaining clip, tapping it into
place with a small hammer.
Install the banjo bolt into the caliper with a
copper crush washer on each side of the
Banjo fitting. Route the line approximately
the same as the stock brake line.
The Banjo bolt only needs to be tightened enough to seal
the crush washers. Excessive torque can damage the
threads inside the caliper and/or damage the Banjo bolt.
Install the line locator tab in the same
spot as the stock line using the new bolt
supplied with the kit.