
5250 Connect Users Guide
NOTE: If the Enable Telnet Environment checkbox from the logon component's
connection is not checked, both the Pool Device Names checkbox and the Set
Device Names button are disabled.
16 Enter the required Device Names and click OK.
On the Toolbar there are three icons: Add which adds an empty row, Delete,
which deletes a highlighted row and Paste which allows you to copy/paste
information from a spreadsheet into the table. For more on this, see the
following Note.
NOTE: Alternate and faster ways to enter data are to copy data from a spread
sheet and paste it into the table. Make sure your selection contains a column
containing Device Names. Open the spreadsheet, copy the olumn and as many
rows as needed. Open the table and immediately click the Paste icon located on
the toolbar. You can also copy data from tables in a Microsoft Word® document
using the same technique.
17 Optionally click the Use Sequential Connections checkbox if you want
Composer to establish connections in the same order that User IDs were
listed in the Set User IDs and Passwords dialog. Connections will be made
in numerical sequence.
18 In the Retry discarded after field, enter a value representing the number of
minutes to wait between connection retries (attempts to reestablish a
19 In the Max retry discarded field, enter a value representing the number of
connection attempts to try before giving up (which means permanently
discarding the connection).