
Creating a 5250 Component
About 5250-Specific Menu Bar Items
View Menu
Keypad Tool BarThis selection displays a keypad tool bar for the 5250
terminal keys. It is docked to the top of the native environment pane. You can drag
the keypad from this location, changing it to a floating window. When you close
the floating window, the keypad returns to the native environment pane. To
remove the keypad from sight, select View, then Keypad Tool bar from the menu
Component Menu
Style Sheet—This selection displays the style sheet editor dialog. It contains a few
pre-defined style sheets that appear as resources on the main Composer window.
Start/Stop RecordingThis selection manages the automatic creation of actions
as you interact with a screen transaction. Start will create actions as you interact
with the screen and Stop will end action creation.
Connect/DisconnectThis selection allows you to control the connection to the
host. When you are recording or animating, a connection is automatically
established, so you are not required to use this button at that time. However, this
button is useful if you want to establish a connection simply to navigate through
the 5250 environment when you are not recording or animating.