
Welcome to exteNd Composer and 5250 User Interface
Welcome to exteNd Composer and
5250 User Interface Chapter 1
Before You Begin
Welcome to the 5250 Connect Guide. This Guide is a companion to the exteNd
Composer User’s Guide, which details how to use all the features of Composer,
except the Connect Component Editors. If you havent looked at the Composer
User's Guide yet, please familiarize yourself with it before using this Guide.
exteNd Composer provides separate Component Editors for each Connect, like
5250. The special features of each component editor are described in separate
Guides like this one.
If you have been using exteNd Composer, and are familiar with the core
component editor, the XML Map Component Editor, then this Guide should get
you started with the 5250 Component Editor.
Before you can begin working with the 5250 Connect you must have installed it
into your existing exteNd Composer. Likewise, before you can run any Services
built with this Connect in the exteNd Composer Enterprise Server environment,
you must have already installed the server-side software for this Connect into
Composer Enterprise Server.
NOTE: To be successful with this Component Editor, you must be familiar with the
IBM 5250 environment and the applications that you want to XML-enable.