5250 Connect User’s Guide
Handling System Messages
A special feature of 5250 Connections is the ability to handle unpredictable
message screens received during a terminal session that would be problematic to
a 5250 Component during its execution. One example of this type of message
screen is when the system administrator broadcasts notices to terminals warning
them of system shutdowns or other events. The arrival of this screen is both
unpredictable and unwanted during the normal execution of a 5250 Component
interacting with a system transaction. These system messages are usually
dispatched by a user hitting an AID key after having read them.
A TN5250 Connection allows you to define special screen handlers to respond to
screens you wish to exclude from component processing. You can also define
multiple screen handlers for a single connection. By defining screen handlers in
the Connection Resource, you can define your handlers once and multiple
components can take advantage of them by using the same connection.
NOTE: Connection screen handlers are not restricted to messages from the
System Administrator. You can define a screen handler to respond to any screen
received in the terminal data stream.